Privacy Policy

DQ Advocates Limited – privacy statement

If you are a client of DQ Advocates Limited (“DQ”) or a staff member you will have received a separate privacy statement.  This privacy statement is, therefore, appropriate for the following:

  • People who have a connection to our clients (parties to a Will, the holder of a Power of Attorney, people providing witness statements, parties to a property transaction, parties to a trust)
  • People who have a connection to DQ (suppliers, professional advisors, intermediaries, regulators, bankers)
  • People who complete the contact form on our web site
  • People attending a meeting in our offices


This statement is designed to help you understand how your personal data is processed by DQ and why.

Personal data is data which relates to you when you can be identified from that data or from that data when combined with other information which is in the possession of or is likely to come into the possession of DQ.  The definition of personal data includes any expression of opinion about you and any indication of the intentions of DQ or any other person in respect of you.

What personal data is processed and how is it used?

If you are a person who has a connection to one of our clients, we will hold a small amount of data about you such as your name, address and contact details.

In the event that we have to comply with legal and regulatory responsibilities in respect of you, we may request a copy of your picture identity document & address verification document.   Some of this information might be used to undertake public source searches and searches against paid for databases in order that we can fully demonstrate compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

We will use your contact information to keep in touch with you if we need to.  As part of that, we may have meetings or calls with you and take notes to assist with the provision of services to our client.

If you are a person who has a connection to DQ, we will hold contact information for you as well as relevant correspondence.  We might also hold your bank account details if you are an individual supplier of services to DQ.

If you are a person who has contacted us via the web site, we will use the information provided by you to make contact with you in response to your request.

If you are a person coming to our office for a meeting, we will ask you for your name and contact information for the purposes of contact tracing in relation to COVID-19.

Where is the data stored?

All of the data that we process about you is held in the Isle of Man office in paper form and/or electronically.

Who can see the information?

If you are a person who has a connection to one of our clients, you should be aware that our client file may be selected by our auditors, regulatory body or bankers for review as part of any checks that they are required to carry out in relation to our compliance with laws, regulations or conditions of service.  We will ensure, however, that these parties only have access to the data that they are obliged to review.

If you are a person who has a connection to DQ or a person who has contacted us via the web site, your data will only be visible to those DQ staff who need to have access to it.

If you are a person coming to our office for a meeting, your data will only be visible to those DQ staff who need to have access to it.  In the event that we need to use it for contact tracing, we may need to share it with the Isle of Man Government contact tracing team.

Do we use your data for marketing purposes?

We will not use your data for marketing purposes nor will we provide your data to any third party so that they can market their products or services to you.

How long is the data kept for?

We will maintain records and data to comply with our statutory, legal and regulatory responsibilities as well as what we deem to be reasonable practice where there is no record keeping period set down in law or other rules.  We will destroy client data in line with these retention periods and our commencement date for any retention period will normally be the end of the client relationship.

We will destroy business contact data when our business relationship with you comes to an end.

If you have engaged with us via the web site and this does not proceed to a business relationship, we will destroy the data provided six months after the date of your enquiry.

Contact tracing records will be destroyed 28 days after the day to which the record relates.

If you have specific queries in relation to retention periods, please email

Your rights

If you wish to see the data processed about you by DQ, please contact the Data Protection Officer on 01624 626999 or by emailing

You have additional rights under the Isle of Man data protection legislation such as the right to rectification of incomplete data and the right of erasure of data.  You also have the right to receive the personal data you provide to us in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit this data to another controller, without hindrance from us.

An important right that you have is the right to object to processing.  This right applies where, after careful consideration, we have decided that is in the legitimate interests of DQ to process data about you.

  • If you are a person who has a connection to one of our clients, we process data for our legitimate interests when we use your contact details to keep in touch, when we ask for certain information to assist with our compliance obligations if required and where we maintain our internal records;
  • If you are a person who has a connection to DQ or a person who has contacted us via the web site, we process data for our legitimate interests when we use it to keep in touch with you, to request your services (where applicable) or to reply to a contact made to us.
  • If you are a person coming to our office for a meeting, we process date for our legitimate interests when we obtain it for contact tracing purposes.


If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer on 01624 626999 or by emailing

If you wish to make a complaint about how we have processed your data, please contact the Data Protection Officer on 01624 626999 or by emailing  You can also contact the Information Commissioner on 01624 693260 or by emailing

19 April 2021
