Client Care

At DQ, we aim to provide the highest standards of service to our clients. Dealing effectively with your concerns forms part of that service.

If you believe our service to you as a client has fallen below the standard expected, please raise the matter so that it can be thoroughly investigated and any necessary action can be taken.

In the first instance, please raise any concerns with the person responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the matter. Please provide us with full details of your concerns either on the telephone, in writing, by email ( or, if you prefer, at a meeting.

We will acknowledge your complaint and provide a substantive response as soon as possible. We may ask to meet with you for the purposes of any investigation and/or if it appears that this may help resolve your concerns.

If we fail to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may make any such further complaint and/or representations, which will be referred to the Managing Director, Mark Dougherty.

Most complaints will be resolved within these procedures. If so you may be asked to confirm in writing if the complaint has been satisfactorily resolved. However if you remain dissatisfied, your complaint will be referred to a Director of the firm for review.
